how to earn money from amazon affiliate

You must know your income from Amazon affiliate depend on  any someone clicks on your link and make purchases a product on Amazon then you will get your Commission and earn money so you must  Establish the credibility and trust  between you and people  which  are willing to rely on the strength of the recommendations and representations you make

how to earn money from amazon affiliate

1 - Initially go to the Amazon site and browse their product categories for best sellers' research to find some products that have a high proportion of research that people want to buy

2 - The product should have lots of positive reviews this will increase conversions

3 - Build your review site  ( you can Start a free online blog using Blogger, WordPress or a similar site )   and research to find keywords that increase your traffic and have a high conversion rates and less competition and avoid keywords that have high competition as those are very hard to rank for.

4 - Set up a domain and Web Host so you can market their product.

5 - Write a few articles marketing and reviews on the product so people will be more likely to buy it and link them back to your review pages.

6 - Try to get backlinks for your site


1 - By targeting low competition products, ranking becomes significantly easier

2 - Write honest article that are compelling, succinct which increases your readers trust to buy the products that you recommend for them so Write  about the product benefits and how it could help your readers to solve their problem which increases your readers trust to buy the products that you recommend for them.

3 - Use Social Networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon and similar sites to drive the traffic that you are looking for more sales 

4 - Search for products that don't have a lot of product reviews over the Internet.
5 - If you want earn more money you should look for seasonal products like Mother's day or Valentine gifts as those are always highly searched by readers on specific times.
6 - You can use Amazon-suggested products as those have high conversion rates and are the best-selling product according to Amazon.
7 -   Search for software based products which don't require any shipping process as those have higher conversion rates.

8 - To promote your site you can use Google Adwords

9 - To generate as many as 100 targeted readers to your site in a day write by continuously a minimum of 2 articles per week, with at least 400-700 words in length

10 - Remember
 Targeted Traffic = clicks on your link = earn Money

11 - If you have any difficulty, ask the support staff at Amazon to help you.


1 - Don't spend all of your income to do this marketing you might not earn money.

2 - Avoid black hat SEO to drive the traffic that you are looking for

3 - Avoid copy articles marketing and reviews to do not lose the credibility and trust between you and your readers

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Earn money from affiliate marketing


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