making money online

If you're looking for creative ways to making money online within the comfort of your own home
If you don't have any idea to how you can do it
This is a list of 8 ways to making money online

making money online
1 - If you have things you don't necessarily need you can auction off the items on eBay or other online auction sites you will find others are willing to buy.

2 - If you can create your own shirt design with a clever catchphrase or come up with your own unique statement and people like it, you can start making money you can use sites like and which allow you to set up your own store, create your own designs and sell them yourself.

3 - If you have experience about things like   graphic design, programming experience or travel or food and know how to write you can find contract jobs as a freelancing job which can provide you with a good income.

4 - Domain name flipping can be one of the more lucrative ways to making money online.

 5 - Making money online from services like accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping and payroll processing. Today, you can accomplish most of these services using specialized software

6 - If you can create crafts by hand like knitting, crochet, needlework, quilting, painting, sculpting, woodworking, glasswork and metalwork you can create an account with Web sites like and which are dedicated to matching the artists who create things by hand with the customers who appreciate and want to purchase their handmade goods.

7 - Find small paid tasks via apps. There are several money-making apps including WeReward, CheckPoints, and GigWalk that will either pay you for doing marketing tasks (ex. scanning products at a grocery store) or connect you with someone who wants a more extensive project accomplished

8 - If you have and know how to use sound-editing software  look at a site like eLance or oDesk for opportunities.


1 - If you are going to sell something, set a price that will ensure a sale. Don't set it too high then nobody will buy and don't  do not set it too low, then  you won't be able to make a decent amount of money

2 - Make sure that whatever you're doing does not violate any local laws or regulations.
3 - Do your research before signing up for any type of online program. If the company asks for money as a “start up” or provides you with a contractual agreement, do your research by scanning Consumer Reports and obtain other reviews about the company. Predatory online companies, posing as legitimate online money making opportunities may be out to grab some quick cash but then leave you without the actual prospect of making money.

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